Important FAQs Regarding Delivery of SRPK Card via INDIA-POST Service during COVID-19Delivery of SRPK Card is delaying due to COVID-19 spread. INDIA-POST (Govt of India) postal service is working under very limited capacity in selected regions. Some questions are continuously raising by the Activated Users as follows, Hope these Frequently asked questions will help all to understand this complex and unprecedented situation.We at SRPK are watching the CORONAVIRUS situation with deep concern and are constantly monitoring the uncertainty arisen because of COVID-19. With the situation escalating with every passing day, We will like to reassure you that our operations and services are continue as normal. We also request you to limit your physical interactions at our delivery touchpoints to the maximum extent and operate through digital customer facing solutions.
I have paid the Activation fee days ago but Why my SRPK card hasn't arrived yet? We can understand your Concern, As a measure against the rapidly-spreading Corona Virus, with the advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India, Your SRPK Card Shipment has been delayed. In the wake of COVID-19 outbreak and INDIA-POST limited Service, We are trying our level best to deliver your Card as the earliest.
As you know SRPK is providing the services from Head office Mumbai, Maharashtra. Now a days, Mumbai is the city where CORONAVIRUS hits the most and cronically.
The Delivery of SRPK Card in all over India is powered by INDIA-POST, Government of India under which all the articles are routed by two Major States i.e. Maharashtra and Delhi. Both states are under critical situation right now. INDIA-POST is working under very limited capacity in both states and serving in selected regions of India. Even all of destination states are also under lockdown and having major hotspots of COVID-19.
SRPK has been closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and continues to observe Health Ministry recommendations. Our first priority is the continued safety of our employees and our valuable Users. Public health officials continue to advise that social distancing is the most effective strategy to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
We apologize for the inconvenience cause to you. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work through this complex and unprecedented situation. Can I see my SRPK Card or download the Virtual SRPK Card from SRPK Website?
Yes, Because SRPK Card delivery is delayed due to COVID-19 Spread, So you can Generate request for Temporary Virtual SRPK Card (TVSC) by login to your account. Your card will be available online in your Login Panel. It will automatically deleted from your panel once your actual SRPK Card arrived at your address.
When will my actual SRPK Card ready or print? Once you have activated your account, Mostly, within 2 or 3 working days the card has been processed which includes manufacturing, printing, patching, processing and packing. Once the card is processed, Then the Card will ready to dispatch but as discussed earlier, still the Postal Service by INDIA-POST Governement of India is not working in its full capacity to deliver the card at the destinations due to COVID-19 spread and lockdowns. For the time being, you can request your Temporary Virtual SRPK Card (TVSC) as mentioned above. What is current Updates on SRPK Card delivery?
Now SRPK is continuously dispatching the Cards to the March and April users. COVID-19 has huge impact on delivery, you might face long delay. Sorry to say that, due to non availability of INDIA-POST Service as mentioned above all the Card are continuously delaying and returned to us and still many are IN TRANSIT from last 20 to 30 days.
How can I come to know, whether my card is dispatched or not? The Postage service is not active right now at its full capacity. Once your card is ready to dispatch, you will receive the SMS and Email regarding the same with Tracking ID. Please check your email on regular bases for more updates. I have paid Activation Fee and my account is activated, Can I avail all the benefits of SRPK Service without getting Physical SRPK Card?
Yes, You can avail each and every service of SRPK without physical copy of SRPK Card. As you know the Activation Fee includes the following services which are already activated if you have paid the activation fee.
Why SRPK Card is FREE during COVID-19?
Presently SRPK is not charging any Application Fee for SRPK Card during COVID-19 Spread and You have only paid a promotional (Nominal) Activation Fee which actually costs much higher in usual days. SRPK is trying at level best to support and help the individuals financially in Coronavirus COVID-19 Crisis with FREE SRPK Card Facility and SRPK Part-Time Work/Job from Home Programme Initiative.
Will the SRPK give me any additional benefit or Compensation in case SRPK Card delays for long period?
We know your SRPK Card delivery is delaying, In consideration with this complex situation of CORONAVIRUS Spread, the validity of your SRPK card will be extended for 3 months. You will receive your SRPK card with an extended validity of 3 months. Your account activation validity will remains the same. This offer is only applicable for users who have activated their account after 17th of March 2020 OR have not received their SRPK Card yet.
Why SRPK is not dispatching the SRPK Card with full capacity?
Still old batch of delivery is not arrived at destinations, We have sent some random batches to Users with different states but still all the articles are In Transit. If the old ones are on way from last 20-30 days, then there is no any idea to send the Bulk postage. The Delhi and Maharashtra is the major route of delivery, Both states are under critical zones of Coronavirus spread. SRPK has taken proactive measures to ensure uninterrupted services. Safety protocols across all our offices and delivery touchpoints have been enhanced to fight this notified disaster. Our maximum staff is working from Home as it would enable us to protect our staff from the contagious COVID-19. What is the surity that SRPK will send my Card after COVID-19 outbreak?
SRPK is serving to the nation from last 5 years with commited service and support. We are commited and always will be. In Case, after Coronavirus outbreak, you will not receive your SRPK Card, you can raise a complaint by generating ticket to our support team. Only delivery of SRPK Card is affected by COVID-19, rest of, our all services are active with full capacity. Our Helpdesk and Support System is available 24x7. |
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