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SRPK ('Sarkari-Rozgar' Protsahan Kendra) is India’s first ever and only service of its kind
which is devoted to help the individuals who are seeking jobs in Government sector since 2015. 
SRPK provides an easiest, safest and smartest way to Find, Apply and Get Government Job in India without wasting your Time and money.

Every year Government of India announces a number of recruitment notifications in public sector as well as in Govt. organizations. So a student/candidate looking for his career has to search the govt. job notifications in newspapers, web, and journals or directly on the employer’s website. But user has to face a number of obstacles while searching and applying these jobs . So SRPK reduces your efforts to search and apply the Govt. jobs.


Mission of SRPK is to provide information to the youth about the newly advertised govt. sector jobs and further assisting them in filling those jobs by processing the applications on behalf of the applicants. Saving time of the applicants by providing fast and reliable service, which is the main goal of SRPK. We also provide options for economically humble applicants to earn money on Part-time bases and filling the government Jobs application and Exams without worring about money.


We at SRPK visualize India as a young nation in which we want to introduce all the deserving candidates residing in every nook and corner of India to the opportunity of availing the public employment in desired departments. India with having more than 50% of its population under working age group is not able to reap the benefit of its demographic dividend. The grim reality behind this loss is the non-acquaintance of the right jobs and opportunities to the right people at the right time.

Significance of SRPK Name

Expansion of SRPK is 'Sarkari-Rozgar' Protsahan Kendra or 'Government-Employment' Promotion Centre and as the name suggests it is related to promotion of the Government employment. If seen cautiously 'Sarkari-Rozgar' in expansion of SRPK is in inverted commas and both the words Sarkari and Rozgar are connected by a hyphen, which shows, what is the importance and focus of SRPK services.

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It all starts with Registering your profile and Activate your Account using SRPK CARD

You are already searching for Government Jobs even there are hundred of Websites Providing Govt Job search and you are fedup by applying again and again and still not getting the Governement Job in the desired department or Govt sector in India.

SRPK - An easiest way to get the Government Job in India

Figures and Facts

3.5M+ Registered User
2K+ Available Govt. Jobs
70K+ Available Vacancies
160K+ Shortlised
1.3K+ Jobs Expiring Soon
122K+ Jobs Processed
300K+ Resolved Support Ticket
16K+ Cases Under Process

SRPK - An easiest way to get the Government Job in India

User testimonials

Users get excited when they discover the difference SRPK makes to their career.

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