Now, SRPK is at your doorstep, pay Activation Fee on receipt of SRPK Card at your home.The value payable system is designed to meet the requirements of persons who wish to pay Activation Fee for SRPK Account sent to them at the time of receipt of the SRPK Card at their home.Now, SRPK accept VPP Payment Gateway along with
All Visa and Master ATM & Debit Card, Cash Deposit, DD/Cheque, RTGS/NEFT, Online NET Banking,CashCard ,Mobile Payment etc. SRPK always help candidates to get government jobs in India in very easier manner. So, this step also gives an easy approach to all the users who are living in villages, not having Banks nearby and want hassle free process. They can pay Activation Fee (100% Cashback) on the receipt of SRPK Card. For more details feel free to contact SRPK Team through Support Ticket System. How it works? SRPK is providing this service in association with INDIA POST (Mail Service), The Postman/master from your nearer Post Office will deliver SRPK Card at your home, then you have to pay Activation fee to Postman/Master at the time of delivery. NOTE: SRPK will not send any SRPK Card or any article to any user through VPP without confirmation and approval by the user. So user will have to place the Order through SRPK User panel by selecting VPP Payment option and accepting T&C. |
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