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Now, Distance-learning Degrees and Diplomas valid for Govt Jobs

19-09-2015 05:22:45       10495

The Centre has notified that Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates granted by Universities through open and distance-learning mode of education for programmes including technical ones would be valid for Central Government Jobs.

However, only those degrees, diplomas and certificate programmes approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC) would be recognised, said the Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry on Friday, publicising a July 25 gazette notification.
“All degrees, diplomas and certificates, including technical education degrees and diplomas awarded through open and distance-learning mode of education by universities established by an Act of Parliament or state legislature, institutions deemed to be universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act and institutions of national importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically recognised for the purpose of employment to the posts and services under the central government, provided they have been approved by the UGC,” read the notification. 
The notification, however, did not make it clear if these universities can also offer diploma, degree and postgraduate programmes in engineering and technology through distance education.
About six months ago, the UGC had barred universities and other higher-educational institutions from offering diploma, bachelors and postgraduate courses in engineering and technology other than MBA and MCA through distance-learning until further orders. 
Issuing a public notice in March, the regulator had also warned of action if any institute failed to comply with this directive.The latest notification also does clarify on its implications on state open universities the UGC derecognised in the last few months.
The ministry did not respond when attempts were made to seek clarification. Incidentally, the UGC had derecognised Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) in Mysuru, saying it was “blatantly flouting norms” set for offering distance-learning programmes.  A UGC directive in August last year had said universities are required to conducted programmes in distance education mode only within their territorial jurisdiction.

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